8:00 - 6:00
Sat - Thu
Constitution of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (2008)
Law No. 05-03 of 27 Dhu Al Hijja 1425 Corresponding to 6 February 2005 on Seeds, Plants and Plant Variety Protection (2005)
Law No. 03-17 of 9 Ramadhan 1424 corresponding to November 4, 2003 approving Ordinance No. 03-05 of 19 Joumada El Oula 1424 corresponding to July 19, 2003 on Copyright and Related Rights (2003)
Law No. 03-18 of 9 Ramadhan 1424 corresponding to November 4, 2003 approving Ordinance No. 03-06 of 19 Joumada El Oula 1424 corresponding to July 19, 2003 on Trademarks (2003)
Law No. 03-19 of 9 Ramadhan 1424 corresponding to November 4, 2003 approving Ordinance No. 03-07 of 19 Joumada El Oula 1424 corresponding to July 19, 2003 on Patents (2003)
Law No. 03-20 of 9 Ramadhan 1424 corresponding to November 4, 2003 approving Ordinance No. 03-08 of 19 Joumada El Oula 1424 corresponding to July 19, 2003 on the Protection of Layout-designs of Integrated Circuits (2003)
Executive Decree No. 11-356 19 Dhu Al Kaadq 1432 Corresponding to 17 October 2011 Amending and Supplementing the Executive Decree No. 05-356 of 17 Shaaban 1426 Corresponding to 21 September 2005 on the Statutes, Organization and Functioning of the National Office of Copyright and Neighboring Rights (2011)
Executive Decree No. 08-346 of 26 Shawwal 1429 corresponding to October 26, 2008 amending and completing the Executive Decree No. 05-277 of 26 Jumada Ethania 1426 corresponding to August 2, 2005 addressing the Procedures for Filing and Registration of Trademarks (2008)
Interministerial Order of 20 Rajab 1427 corresponding to August 15, 2006 establishing the Operation of the Territorial Subdivisions of Trade and Inspections of Quality Control and Fraud Control at the Borders (2006)
Executive Decree N° 05-356 of 17 Chaâbane 1426 corresponding to September 21, 2005 on the Statute, Organisation and Operation of the National Office for Copyright and Related Rights (2005)
Executive Decree No. 05-358 of 17 Sha’ban 1426 Corresponding to 21 September 2005 on the Procedures for the Exercise of the Right to Follow of the author of a plastic arts (2005)
Executive Decree No. 05-316 of 6 Chaâbane 1426, Corresponding to September 10, 2005 on the Composition, Organization and Operation of the Reconciliation Board in charge of Settling Disputes Relating to the Use of Works and Performances Managed by the National Office for Copyright and Related Rights (2005)
Executive Decree No. 05-275 of 26 Jumada Ethania 1426 corresponding to August 2, 2005, laying down the Procedures for Filing and Issuance of Patents(2005)
Executive Decree No. 05-276 of 26 Joumada Ethania 1426 corresponding to August 2, 2005, laying down the Procedures for Filing and Issuance of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits (2005)
Executive Decree No. 05-277 of 26 Joumada Ethania 1426 corresponding to August 2, 2005 laying down the Procedures for Filing and Issuance of Trademarks (2005)
Executive Decree No. 05-219 of 15 Jumada I, 1426 corresponding to June 22, 2005 on Merger Permissions (2005)
Executive Decree No. 98-68 dated 24 Chaoual 1418 corresponding to February 21, 1998 on the Establishment and Statute of the Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) (1998)
Executive Decree No. 76-121 of July 16, 1976 on Procedures for Registration and Publication of Appellations of Origin and the Establishment of the Relevant Fees (1976)
Executive Decree No. 66-87 of April 28, 1966 on the Implementation of the Ordinance No. 66-86 of April 28, 1966 relating to Designs (1966)
Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs …
Patent Law Treaty
WIPO Copyright Treaty (January 31, 2014)
WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (January 31, 2014)
Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations (April 22, 2007)
Patent Cooperation Treaty (March 8, 2000)
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (April 19, 1998)
Nairobi Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol (August 16, 1984)
Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (April 16, 1975)
Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration (July 5, 1972)
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (July 5, 1972)
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods (July 5, 1972)
Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (July 5, 1972)
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (March 1, 1966)
Institut National Algérien de la Propriété Industrielle (INAPI)
42 Rue Larbi Ben M’hidi
Tel + 213 21 73 01 42 or 60 84
Fax + 213 21 73 55 81 or 96 44
Trademark Requirements
A power of attorney in French simply signed and sealed with the official stamp of the applicant company which should include the position and the name of signatory, company name and address, the date of the POA and the country or the place. A separate power of attorney is required for each application and it is not acceptable to use one POA for two or three applications even if it is for the same applicant.
A certified copy of priority document, if priority is claimed, certified.
15 prints of the mark for each application.
Document 1 should be submitted at the time of filing or at least a simple copy of the same by email provided that the original should be submitted at a later stage. Document 2 may be submitted within 3 months from filing date.
Registration process
Once a trademark application is filed, the filing certificate indicating the filing number and the filing date is issued within approximately a week. Trademark applications are examined as to their registrability against prior registrations. The certificate of registration is issued upon completing all the filing requirements. Trademarks are published after registration and there is no provision for filing opposition to the registration of a mark.
According to Trademark Law No. 03-06 of 2003 a trademark registration is valid for 10 years as of the filing date of the trademark application, and it is renewable for periods of 10 years, each upon application and payment of the prescribed renewal fees. A grace period of 2 months is allowed for late renewal of a trademark registration against payment of a fine.
If as trademark is refused for registration an appeal can be filed with the Trademarks Registrar within two months from notification of rejection which is extendable for further two months; however, as per local law a deadline for appealing rejection decision is two months as from notification date, but this not applied strictly, as well applicant can request time extension for another two months. As for the review and issue a final decision by TM Office, there is no time frame for this stage as it may take from six months to two years for some cases.
Time frame from filing a trade mark application up to registration, on average is 15 -18 months as there is no opposition period this time will have to be accepted as the time of examination to registration.
Duration & Renewal:
Registration is for ten years.
Registrations can be renewed every ten years.
Use must commence within a year of filing.
Continuous non-use for one year could result in cancellation.
Renewal Requirements:
Power of attorney simply signed (for each application).
Ten prints of the mark (even for word marks).
The number and date of the registered trademark/service mark.
Proof of use.
Total Estimated Time Frame from filing to obtaining of renewal certificate: 15-18 months
French/English/Arabic power of attorney, from the assignee, not legalized.
A deed of assignment agreement in French legalized up to an Algerian consulate.
Licenses must be recorded. The required documents are :
Prior Ministerial approval must be obtained.
French/English/Arabic Powers of attorney from the Licenser and the registered user, not legalized.
Original copy of a French registered user agreement legalized up to an Algerian consulate.
Time frame needed for completing the recordal of an assignment/license recordal: 6-9 months
Change of name
1. Power of attorney simply signed.
2. A certificate of change of name duly legalized up to the Algerian Consulate.
3. Number and date of the registered trademark.
Change of address
A power of attorney in the new address simply signed.
Total Estimated Time Frame for completing a change of name and/or address recordal
6-9 months
Cancellation procedures
The Cancellation action should be filed with the First Instance Court. Once the lawsuit is registered, the plaintiff should proceed with the notification of the counter party.
If the defendant is a national entity/individual, the Court will fix the first date for the hearing session within 21 days from filing the cancellation lawsuit.
On the other hand, if the defendant is a foreign entity/individual the first hearing session will be held within three months from the date of filing the lawsuit.
Once the defendant is notified and attends the hearing session, the parties will explains their arguments via memorandums and response statement, and once the parties have no other arguments or reply to add the case will be set for issuing a decision.
The decision issued by the First Instance Court will be subject for appeal by any party within one month from the notification of the judgment by the winner party, if not notified the deadline remains open during two years; hence the judgment will be final.
Further, please note that it usually takes from 3 – 7 months for the issuance of a decision by the Court in respect of the cancellation action.
The total costs for preparing and filing the cancellation action against one trademark registration in one class up to issuance of a decision are US$ 7,500.
Time frame required for preparing and filing an opposition or counterstatement with the Trademarks Office and follow up its proceedings till final settlement:
3-6 months (for responding to the appeal against provisional refusal)
Time frame required for preparing and filing a lawsuit of any type such as infringement or cancellation action and follow up its proceedings till final settlement:
5- 6 months
Time frame required for filing an appeal with the trademarks registrar or court as applicable regarding an opposition action, counterstatement or rejection:
3-6 months
Inventor s certificates and patents of invention are granted for 20 years. Certificates of Addition and Patents of Addition are granted for the unexpired period of the term of the main certificate or patent. Patents of confirmation are granted for ten years.
Annuities are payable on Inventors Certificates and Patents of Invention annually. Six months grace period is allowed with payment of fine.
Patent Requirements
Power of attorney simply signed.
Three copies of specifications, claims and drawings in English and Arabic.
Priority Document simply signed (in case convention priority is to be claimed).
Deed of assignment simply signed by the inventor if the applicant is not the inventor himself.
Summary of the invention in English with Arabic translation (about 100 word).
Designs are registered for 10 years. The period of protection consists of two parts, a period of one year during which the registration remains secret and a second period of 9 years during which the registration is open to public inspection. Once an application is filed it is examined as to the form only and is accorded a filing date immediately. Applications are published in the Official Gazette after the elapse of the first year of protection period or earlier, upon the applicant’s request. There is no provision for filing opposition. Applicants must request the nine-year extension either on filing or within the first year; otherwise the registration will expire. A grace period of six months is allowed.
Design Requirements
Power of attorney in French and Arabic, simply signed.
7 copies of the design.
Summary description of the design in French.
The name, business, nationality and address of the applicant.
Certified copy f the priority document for claiming priority.
It is possible to file design applications without the complete documents at the time of filing, which should be submitted within 45 days from the filing date.
Only possible for algerian nationals
Spectra Intellectual Property,
City Tower 2, Sheikh Zayed Road,
Office suite 903-11, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
(+971) 4-23 644 23
(+971) 565 068 417
(+971) 565 068 462
Spectra IP has been established as a registered Trademark & Patent Agent and Intellectual Property (IP) Management Consultancy based in Dubai
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